Documentation: Feeds (RSS, iCal, Atom)

A "feed" for an organisation is generally one of the following:

NB. iCalendar data is probably not going to be news or notices, but please still mark it as events for easy discovery.


The examples on this page require the following prefixes to be defined at the top of your OPD:

@prefix dcterms: <> @prefix oo: <>


<FEED-URL> a <> oo:organization <ORG-URI> ; dcterms:subject <> ; dcterms:license <> .

FEED-TYPE is one of: RSS or Atom or iCalendar

THEME is one of: news or events or notices

You can alter the license to use more restrictive licenses, but with feeds like this public domain is recommended. This doesn't mean that people won't credit you as the source of the data, but it removes the obligation for them to do so.